Y. Mamatha, Jyothsna Bandreddi


In hierarchical data aggregation a severe safety hazard is originated by node confine attacks, where a hacker achieves full control over a sensor node through direct physical access in wireless sensor networks and it makes a high risk of data privacy. For hierarchical data aggregation in wireless sensor networks a securing node capture attacks is proposed in this paper. Each cluster is headed by an aggregator and the aggregators are directly connected to sink as network is separated into number of clusters. To the selected set of nodes in first round of data aggregation, the aggregator by identifying the detecting nodes selects a set of nodes randomly and broadcast an exclusive value which contains their validation keys. To relocate the data when any node within the group needs it transfers portion of data to other nodes in that group this is encrypted by individual validation keys. Each receiving node decrypts, sums up the portions and transfers the encrypted data to the aggregator. The data with the shared secret key of the sink and forwards it to the sink as the aggregator aggregates and encrypts. In the second round of aggregation the set of nodes is reselected with new set of authentication keys. The proposed technique resolves the security threat of node capture attacks is demonstrated by simulation results.


Safe Node, Confine Attacks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Privacy, Data Aggregation, Secret Key


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