Cloud Storage System Towards Dynamic Encrypted Cloud Data With Symmetric-Key Based Verification
Verifiable Searchable Symmetric Encryption, as an important cloud security technique, allows users to retrieve the encrypted data from the cloud through keywords and verify the validity of the returned results. Dynamic update for cloud data is one of the most common and fundamental requirements for data owners in such schemes. Attracted by these appealing features, both individuals and enterprises are motivated to contract out their data to the cloud, instead of purchasing software and hardware to manage the data themselves. So far, most of the works have been proposed under different threat models to achieve various search functions, such as single keyword search, similarity search, multi- keyword Boolean search, ranked search, multi-keyword ranked search, etc. Among them, multikeyword ranked search achieves more attention for its practical applicability. propose a secure and ranked multikeyword search protocol in a multi-owner cloud model over encrypted cloud data.
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