A Protected And Lightweight Data Distribution Program For Mobile Cloud Computing



Because of the widespread adoption of cloud computing, mobile devices may now store and access personal data from any location at any time. As a result, the data security issue in mobile cloud is becoming increasingly serious, impeding the growth of mobile cloud. There have been several researches undertaken in order to enhance cloud security. However, because mobile devices have limited processing capabilities and power, the majority of them are not suitable for mobile cloud. Mobile cloud applications require solutions with a low computational overhead. We propose a lightweight data sharing mechanism for mobile cloud computing in this work. It provides attribute description fields to achieve lazy-revocation, which is a difficult problem in CP-ABE systems based on programs. The experimental findings suggest that when users share data in mobile cloud settings, a lightweight data sharing technique may effectively minimize the overhead on the mobile device side.


Access Control; Mobile Cloud Computing; Data Encryption; Mobile Cloud Computing;


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