Efficient Hardware Implementation of Probabilistic Gradient Descent Bit Flipping



This paper presents a new Bit Flipping (BF) decoder, called Probabilistic Parallel Bit Flipping (PPBF) for Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes on the Binary Symmetric Channel. In PPBF, the flipping operation is preceded with a probabilistic behavior which is shown to improve significantly the error correction performance. The advantage of PPBF comes from the fact that, no global computation is required during the decoding process and from that, all the computations can be executed in the local computing units and in-parallel. PPBF provides a considerable improvement of the decoding frequency and complexity, compared to other known BF decoders, while obtaining a significant gain in error correction. One improved version of PPBF, called non-syndrome PPBF (NS-PPBF) is also introduced, in which the global syndrome check is moved out of the critical path and a new terminating mechanism is proposed. In order to show the superiority of the new decoders in terms of hardware efficiency and decoding throughput, the corresponding hardware architectures are presented in the second part of the paper. The ASIC synthesis results confirm that, the decoding frequency of the proposed decoders is significantly improved, much higher than the BF decoders of literature while requiring lower complexity to be efficiently implemented.


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