Using routing paths for each packet, there are many automated sensors that can improve the management and protocol of extended WSN devices with many measurements and diagnostic methods. A simple procedure is to add full routing paths to each packet. The problem with access is that its general message can be large for packets with increasing routing routes. The iPath's Lightweight Segments is a new style for checking the selected tracks. To improve the output capabilities as well as to implement effectively, iPath is a fast startup format for restoring the first set of tracks. To make Duplicate Sin Forsman effective, two problems should be solved. The HASH function should be easy and effective, because it should work with sensitive points with limited resources. The results show that iPath offers a very high level of updates in different network settings than other complexes. Compared to Path Zip, iPath uses a lot of similarity in many fast output packages, with significant improvements. Using routing paths for each packet, there are many automated sensors that can improve the management and protocol of extended WSNN devices with many measurements and diagnostic methods. We apply the iPad and the WSN We evaluate its performance using the effect of complex simulations as well as deployed on a large scale.
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