A. Vikranth Deepak Naidu, N Venkatadri


Two fundamental needs are low delay and data integrity. However, in many situations, both of these needs can't be satisfied concurrently. Within this paper, in line with the idea of potential in physics, we advise IDDR, a multi-path dynamic routing formula, to solve this conflict. Applications running on a single Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) platform will often have different Service quality (QoS) needs. By setting up a virtual hybrid potential field, IDDR separates packets of applications with various QoS needs based on the weight allotted to each packet, and routes them for the sink through different pathways to enhance the information fidelity for integrity-sensitive applications in addition to lessen the finish-to-finish delay for delay-sensitive ones. Simulation results show IDDR provides data integrity and delay differentiated services. While using Lyapunov drift technique, we prove that IDDR is stable.


Wireless Sensor Networks; Data Integrity; Delay Differentiated Services; Dynamic Routing; And Potential Field


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