Saju Mathew


Cloud computing is one of the most popular, exciting and emerging technologies in the area of information technology.  It has gained its popularity due to three important features 1) cost-effectiveness, 2) flexibility and 3) access to vast variety of pool of resources.  Cloud computing mostly works through Internet and due to recent developments in Internet; it has become one of the promising and interesting technologies to be used by various organizations, institutions for learning purposes etc.  Many government organizations are now trying to adopt the cloud computing technologies and trying to render their services through clouds.  To adapt to these technologies special service-oriented architecture (SOA) has to be developed than the traditional used structure. This paper tries to describe that by implementing the cloud computing model and architecture a good e- governance strategy and framework can be developed for e-government.  It also discusses about SOA, challenges of e-governance and benefits of using cloud computing in e- governance.


Cloud computing, service-oriented architecture, e-governance, e-government, benefits.


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