Swathi Boorgula, P. V.Sarath Chand


Many works were recommended in a number of kinds of threat to attain various functionalities for look for example single keyword search, multi-keyword rated search, and so on.  Of those works, multi-keyword types of rated search has become more importance due to its realistic applicability.  We submit a good search method which is founded on the tree above encrypted cloud information, plus it manages multi-keyword search additionally to dynamic process on range of documents.  For obtaining of high search effectiveness, we create a tree-based index structure and propose an formula in line with the index tree. The forecasted plan is known as to supply multi-keyword query additionally to specific result ranking, furthermore dynamic update above document collections. Because of important structure of tree-based index, forecasted search system will effectively get sub-straight line search some time to manage the whole process of deletion additionally to insertion of documents.


Multi-Keyword Ranked Search; Tree-Based Index; Sub-Linear Search; Encrypted Cloud Data; Documents; Result Ranking;


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