Suprith S, Dr. Cauvery N K, Padmashree T


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) often contain a large number of small, low-power sensors nodes equipped with sensing, computing, and communication devices that communicate through wireless channels. In WSNs, because of the limitation of nodes’ energy, energy efficiency is a key factor that should be considered when designing the protocols. In some applications, the aim of the WSN is to collect data from the surrounding and send it to a sink node. The previous approach does not take route into consideration which is efficient in terms of energy, power consumption and route discovery time. The proposed algorithm requires lesser maintenance of routing tables because it will maintain local topology information if it is normal node and will maintain limited global topology for cluster head. The algorithm will also find the route which will have reduced number of hops, route discovery time, energy computation and power computation and compared the results with LEACH protocol and obtained better performance in network lifetime.


LoCoDuo; LEACH; clustering; multihop; Wireless Sensor Networks;


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