In the recent times authentication and privacy have been concerned a lot of considerations in RFID systems, general computer networks and industrial networks. Single sign-on is a novel authentication mechanism that permits a legal user by means of a single credential to be legitimated by multiple service providers in distributed computer networks. The intention of a single sign on platform is to remove individual sign on procedures by means of centralizing user authentication in addition to identity management at a central identity provider. A scheme of RSA-based single sign-on mechanism was introduced by Chang and Lee which does not depend on clock synchronization by using a nonce as a substitute for a time stamp. The scheme is actually insecure by means of presenting two attacks of impersonation such as credential recovering attack as well as impersonation attack devoid of credentials. To stay away from the two impersonation attacks, an improved single sign-on scheme was introduced to improve the phase of user authentication of the Chang-Lee scheme. To succeed over the flaws in the Chang-Lee scheme an improvement was introduced by employing a scheme of RSA-based verifiable encryption of signatures which is an effectual primitive for realising fair exchange of RSA signatures.
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