Water Conservation Techniques In Rural India – A Case Study Of Bhikharirampur
The main aim of our study is to understand the impact of water management and its implementation in Bhikharirampur village in the state of Uttar Pradesh. According to reports, India is reeling under its worst water crisis ever. Even regions of Uttar Pradesh such as the Bundelkhand region have been severely impacted by the ongoing crisis. NITI Aayog’s CWMI Index shows that the demand for water is expected to grow from 40 billion cubic metres (bcm) today, to around 220 bcm in 2025. With major cities presently under the stress of water scarcity, water conservation is one of the most important issues. This report presents evidence fromsurvey data collected from the rural households of Bhikarirampur village of Bhadohi district in Uttar Pradesh. Around 80 percent of people interviewed, stated that they currentlydo notdo anything for water conservation as it is available abundantly and hence do not feel the need to preserve it. Water in the village is seen as a free natural commodity. The various aspects of our research include:
What do people think about water conservation?
What are the existing practices observed in the village regarding agriculture and household activities?
How do people avail water and from where?
What are the different strategies that have the potential to be implemented in the village?
What are the sources of support for the initiative?
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