A.M. Rangaraj, L. Bhargav


Within the computing atmosphere, cloud servers may have many data services, for example remote data storage furthermore to outsourced delegation computation. For data storage, servers store up numerous volume of shared information, which may be utilized by way of authoritative users. Within our work we offer anti-collusion circuit cipher text based file   encryption process because cipher text based file  encryption process is conceptually faster to established method of access control. We try to improve the cipher text based file encryption methods by verifiable delegation in cloud system to think about data privacy, fine-grained data access control furthermore to verifiability of delegation. In hybrid representation of verifiable delegation cipher text-policy based file  encryption, a circuit cipher text-policy based file  encryption, a symmetric file  encryption system by permitting an secure-then-mac mechanism are functional to make certain privacy, fine-grained access control furthermore to verifiable delegation.


Cloud Computing; Verifiable Delegation; Cipher Text-Policy Based Encryption; Fine-Grained Access Control; Anti-Collusion;


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