Tanay Bysani


Traffic is formally organized in many jurisdictions, with marked lanes, junctions, intersections, interchanges, traffic signals, or signs. Traffic is often classified by type: heavy motor vehicle (e.g., car, truck); other vehicle (e.g., moped, bicycle); and pedestrian. Different classes may share speed limits and easement, or may be segregated. Some jurisdictions may have very detailed and complex rules of the road while others rely more on drivers' common sense and willingness to cooperate. Organization typically produces a better combination of travel safety and efficiency. Events which disrupt the flow and may cause traffic to degenerate into a disorganized mess include: road construction, collisions and debris in the roadway. Signs evolved from local practice, cities and states copying neighbors, and inventing what they needed, and then later standardizing (first for rural and urban areas separately, and then jointly) after the value of coordination became apparent when automobile travelers crossed jurisdictional boundaries. From the first center line in Michigan in 1911, stop sign in 1915, a 1923 established the basis of the shapes used for road signs today. The Mississippi Valley Association of State Highway Departments proposed the following. Shapes which were most complex to make (circle, octagon) would indicate most danger and be used least often. This paper deals with literature study on Traffic, Traffic Control Devices, Roundabouts, Pedestrian Access.


Traffic Control Devices; Roundabouts; Pedestrian Access;


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