Chevuru Kavitha, B Bhaskar


Attribute-Based File encryption (ABE) is really a promising technique to guarantee the finish-to-finish security of massive data within the cloud. Within this paper, we advise a manuscript plan that enabling efficient access control with dynamic policy updating for giant data within the cloud. However, the insurance policy updating happens to be a frightening issue when ABE can be used to create access control schemes. An insignificant implementation would be to let data proprietors retrieve the information and re-secure it underneath the new access policy, after which send it to the cloud. Because of the high volume and velocity of massive data, it's an effective choice to store big data within the cloud, because the cloud has abilities of storing big data and processing high amount of user access demands. This process, however, incurs a higher communication overhead and high computation burden on data proprietors. We concentrate on developing an outsourced policy updating way of ABE systems. Our method can steer clear of the transmission of encrypted data and reduce the computation work of information proprietors, by utilizing the formerly encrypted data with old access policies. Furthermore, we propose policy updating algorithms for various kinds of access policies. Case study implies that our policy updating outsourcing plan is true, complete, safe and effective. Finally, we advise a competent and secure way in which enables data owner to check on if the cloud server has updated the cipher texts properly.


Policy Updating; Outsourcing; Access Control; ABAC; ABE; Big Data; Cloud


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